A Post of Awards & Many Thanks

I’ve got another exciting news! I’ve been awarded by Amy of SnazzyBiscuits and Daisy from NeverTooSweet the Versatile Blogger Award and the Sunshine Award! (: I do have to apologise cause I’m actually really late in sharing this news. Daisy actually gave me the two awards ages ago! So so sorry! But I was really surprised and very honoured! Really appreciate all the support and comments given by all of you readers! It’s my motivation to keep blogging! So thank you!


Just in case you don’t know what this award is for, the Sunshine award is awarded to “bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere”. Aww thanks so much Daisy!

Another award that I’ve recieved of late is the One Lovely Blog Award by Ames, Kelly and Piggyatealot ! Thank you so much. All these awards motivates me to keep the post going and do my very best to come up with more recipes to share with all of you!

I’m actually really encouraged and motivated cause the awards are given to me by people who I only go to know through reading their blogs and twitter! It’s just amazing how blogging has brought all of us together and may we all continue to write amazing posts! (:

So there are a few rules that I have to follow in order to get this award. So here goes nothing and do bear with me! (:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you
2. Include the links to their blogs
3. Include the award image in your post
4. Copy the award image to your site
5. Give seven random facts about yourself
6. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award
7. When nominating other bloggers include the links to their sites
8. Let those bloggers know they’ve been nominated

7 Random facts about me

1. I’m born and brought up in Singapore and it is Singapore that cultivated my love for food. I came to Melbourne to study and have been here for 8 years and counting! Definitely loving Melbourne and of course the food this place has to offer!

2. Bowling. I use to be a National bowler for Singapore. I stopped for 8 years now, but am still loving the sport and will always love playing the sport. I do miss bowling competitively but the levels are far too high for me to start all over again now. haha So will just keep the good memories.

3. Weightlifting. I just picked it up maybe less than a year ago and I really enjoy myself when I’m doing it. I hate cardio you see, so strength training is something I thoroughly enjoy! And the only thing I want to do as a form of working out.

4. Family. I am very close to my family. They are my pillar of strength and I will never be who I am today without them. I am ALWAYS home sick and would love to have all the money in the world to fly home every time I have a break. haha (: Love them muchos!

5. Work. I’m currently an integration aide and is doing what I love. I love working with children and this is a job I really feel very motivated every single day. I am intending to do my Diploma in Teaching and start teaching children with special needs which is my ultimate dream! (:

6. Best Friend. In fact, our trip to Melbourne for Asian Schools is when we started our friendship! We have the some personality and she (besides my mr) knows me inside out! We are always there for each other and there was no one else that I would choose to be my maid-of-honour! Thank you for always bring there for me! Here’s to 11 years of friendship and more!

7. My Mr. We went through 8 years of wonderful relationship before tying the knot on the 5th of Jan 2012. Out of the 8 years, 3 years was long-distance and I’m so thankful we pulled through the tough times! The love of my life, and my biggest fan. Without his constant encouragement, I won’t be able to have the courage to try making new dishes. He is one person I can trust to give me feedback on how to improve on the dishes! I’m blessed to have married a man who also love his food! (:

Here’s the list of my current loves of reads :

One Lovely Blog Award

1. Daisy @ Never Too Sweet For Me

2. Julie @ I Dream in Chocolate 

 3. Amy @ SnazzyBiscuits

4. Cath @ Confessions of A Glutton 

5. Sara @ Fooding Rookie

6. The Little Loaf

7. Jan @ Peach Water

The Versatile Blogger Award & Sunshine Award

 Kelly @ Kelly Siew Cooks 

 Pigging Out Around The World

Ames @ A Melbourne Girl At Heart

Coleen @ Sugar Pie’s Sweet Shoppe

Val @ Valeebelly 

Yi Ling @ Ahballing 

Ms-I Hua @ The Chronicles of Ms I-Hua


Thank you again for all the awards! (: Definitely made my day (or weeks) ! hehe