Matcha Mania

Matcha Swiss Roll with Azuki Cream

Good evening dear readers. Sorry for the long pause again. It’s the holidays and I try and take this opportunity to spend a bit more time with the Mr and explore a little more of Melbourne. So watch this space to see what I’ve been up to in the post to come! (:

I’m not sure about you guys, but I do go through flavour phases and one of which is matcha! So much so that we even held a matcha party to celebrate the endless uses of this brilliant ingredient that is so full of antioxidant! What could be better yes? Here is a recap of the spread we had that day! Be warn, you might crave for some dessert after this!


This was a beautiful bowl of matchamisu by Winston. Layers of matcha sponge with azuki beans, delicious!

Matcha panna cotta

This smooth and velvety panna cotta by Duy and Andrew with matcha shortbread! Hungry yet? hehe

Matcha Chiffon

The talented Thanh made matcha chiffon cake! (: I’ve yet to have the courage to make my first chiffon. Hopefully soon!

Matcha macarons

These my dear readers are the perfect matcha macarons by Eat Play Shop!! Look at how amazing they look? Spot on with the feet, texture and flavours! She’s definitely the macaron master! hehe STUNNING!

lemon lime macarons

I know these are not matcha, but I think it’s too pretty not to put it up! Lemon lime macarons! Mmmmm! A work of art I tell you!

Matcha cream puffs

As if 2 macarons weren’t enough work, she also made some matcha cream puffs which I was addicted to! Couldn’t stop at one!

Matcha kitkat

When I saw these, I had to remain calm and composed haha matcha kitkat by Agnes!! OMG. They were so so good!!! It’s so difficult to get hold of the commercial packed ones, I was lucky enough to try one cause Daisy gave me some and totally addicted to them! I sneaked some home too! hehe

Matcha madeleines

Talking about Daisy, the sweet queen made two matcha cakes! These are matcha madeleines and she also made matcha brownies that were so gooey in the middle and an intense matcha flavour! SO SO YUM!

Matcha brownies

Matcha opera cake

This was a hot favourite of the day, made by the ever so talented Ms Ihua, and you can see why. How pretty is this gateau??? Every layer just went perfectly with each other and the base was my favourite! Matcha-pistachio feuilletine white chocolate base, how can anyone not like that? Gorgeous!

Fruit platter by Zeboy

This is what I call edible art! The artistic Zeboy’s interpretation of a fruit salad is just amazing! Sous vide and bruleed pineapple, watermelon, smoked cream with matcha and sour plum powder! He plated it on the spot and every one just went ooh-and-aah! These two lovebirds are seriously the dynamic duo! Super talented!

Matcha swirl pound cake

Matcha swirl pound cake

I too made two matcha cakes, this is the matcha swirl pound cake which was really buttery! I actually made this as a back-up in case my matcha swiss roll didn’t work out well. hehe But I decided to bring it to the party as well, or else I would be gobbling it all up on my own and that wouldn’t be very good for my waist line! haha Share the calories I say, sharing is caring right? hehe

Matcha swiss roll

And here’s presenting my first ever swiss roll! hehe Matcha swiss roll with azuki beans cream! I have to say, I was super worried with how this would turn out cause you won’t know till you unwrap it the day after and slice it to see the inside! Although the cream wasn’t evenly spread, but I let out a sigh of relieve after I sliced it and it stayed in shape!

swiss roll with azuki bean cream

I have to admit though, I totally wrecked my first try, so I had to make it again and thankfully they turned out alright! (: So don’t ever give up ; always try and try again! It is definitely worth it! hehe

Matcha Swiss Roll with Azuki Cream (adapted from Cooking With Dog)

Ingredients :

4 Egg Whites
40g Sugar
4 Egg Yolks
40g Sugar
40g Cake Flour
1 tbsp Matcha powder
120ml Whipping Cream
120g Azuki Bean Paste with whole beans
Powdered Sugar, for garnish

Steps :

1) Preheat the oven to 170 degrees celcius. Cover a baking tray with baking paper and set aside.

Matcha powder and cake flour

Sifting the flour and matcha powder 3 times

2) Mix the cake flour and matcha powder together and sift it three times. Do not skip this step as this will ensure no air pockets, clumps and keep the cake light.

stiff peaks

3) In a clean and dry bowl, beat the egg whites until bubbles form. Slowly add half of the sugar and beat it. Add the rest of the sugar and beat until stiff peaks form.

Glossy and thick mixture

4) In a separate bowl, beat the egg yolks with the sugar until thick and creamy. Then add the sifted flour into the bowl. Using a balloon whisk, mix until the flour is completely moistened. Add 1/3 of the meringue into the bowl and beat the mixture with the whisk and drop it into the bowl. When combined, add the rest of the meringue in two steps. Mix the mixture carefully, not to break the foam. The batter will get glossy and smooth. Be patient!

Batter in the baking tray

5) Pour the batter into the prepared baking tray and using a spatula, spread the batter evenly throughout the tray and to all four corners. Bake the cake in the oven for 18 -20 mins, turning the cake after the 10 mins mark so that it is baked evenly.

6) Take the cake out of the oven and drop it a few times to reduce the shrinkage. Remove the cake for the baking tray and place it on a flat surface. Cover it with another baking tray to make sure it doesn’t dry out. Allow it to cool completely before filling it with the azuki bean cream.

7) To make the azuki bean cream : Whip the cream till stiff peaks and add the azuki cream paste. Mix it evenly to make azuki bean cream.

8) Release the edges of the baking paper of the cake. Cover the cake with another sheet of baking paper, and flip it over. Slowy and gently remove the baking paper from the bottom of the cake. Place the paper on the bottom again and flip it back, in the upright position. Using a serrated knife, cute of the short edge furthest away from you with a diagonal cut.

Azuki bean cream spread evenly onto cake

All ready to be rolled

9) Place the azuki cream onto the cake and using a spatula spread it out evenly, having a slightly thicker amount on the side closer to you. Fold the edge of the cake, pushing the paper forward, rolling the cake. Once rolled, wrap the cake with the clean sheet of baking paper, making sure it’s tightly wrapped. Cover with a plastic wrap and allow it to cool in the fridge.

Ready to be cut

10) To serve, unwrap the cake and place it on a long plate. Sift some icing sugar on top of the cake and slice it to the thickness of your liking. ENJOY!

sliced and ready to be eaten!

I know it seems a little complicated to roll it, but do click on the link above (next to the title) to watch the video and it would be much clearer after!

Remember to always cook and bake with love!  xx